
🎯 UiPath Tutorial: Using the Pick Activity

🎯 UiPath Tutorial: Using the Pick Activity 🚀 Introduction In this tutorial, we will be exploring the Pick Activity in UiPath, a powerful tool that allows developers to handle multiple activities that are based on event triggers. We will delve into its properties, how to use it, and provide practical examples. We will also provide troubleshooting tips to help you resolve common issues that you might encounter when using the Pick Activity. 🎁 What is the Pick Activity The Pick Activity in UiPath is an event-driven activity that waits for one or more specified activities to be triggered. It contains multiple branches, each with a trigger and an associated activity. When a trigger event occurs, the Pick Activity executes the associated activity and then stops listening for other events. This makes it a useful tool for handling multiple potential events in a workflow. 🛠️ Properties of the Pick Activity The Pick Activity has the following key properties: DisplayName : The name